Saturday, March 21, 2009

Suggestions Welcome or How to Kill a Substantial Amount of Time

1- Develop obsessive, even pornographic, fixation on North Korea

2- Follow a baseball team with all my will

3- Escape into World of Warcraft when I am not teaching

4- Increase cigarette intake through a newfound devotion to Linux

5- Keep journal featuring the classic "I must ___________" theme

6- Invent backstory and personalities for all my furniture

7- Alcohol problem

8- Construct giant map of Lincoln using 8 x 10 sheets of paper printed on the company's dime

9- Analyze security risks to Northeast Asia and use said information to start fights in bars

10- Become competent at math

11- Watch DVD commentary to all 11 Star Trek movies

12- Rubix cube

13- Find a size 12 pair of shoes

14- Impose bizzare tricks upon my dog

15- Purchase firearm

16- Wander around city in stupor during socially unacceptable hours

17- Give self series of intricate tattoos

18- Do number seventeen to dog

19- Assume the identity of Clint Eastwood's character in Gran Torino

20- Break up side walk and grow weeds in cracks to alliviate homesickness

21- Concoct subtle ways to use racial slurs in everyday conversation

22- Break away from Catholic Church and form underground religious movement

23- Build structures out of random garbage strewn on street corners

24- Eat entire box of instant-coffee sleeves in one day

25- Break record for most days awake

26- Attempt 24 hours of only darkness

27- Watch all Ken Burns documentaries

28- Figure out the appeal of bright colors to the natives

29- Start religious franchise

30- Use Korea's garbage to form an underground art movement

1 comment:

  1. You have a dog now?

    Jesus those things are so fucking needy.
