Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Food Here Again

I have reason to suspect that certain restaurants in the Republic of Korea are working hand-in-hand with the government to distribute mind control drugs to the populace.

It is fair to say that I have a strong stomach. About a year ago in the course of 12 hours I ingested 5 packs of morning glory seeds in a successful attempt to induce hallucinations. These seeds were covered in pesticide and despite my chemical binge I managed to circumvent vomiting.

Yet on three separate occasions in this country I have eaten normal food here and experienced deranged states of mind, black outs, and hyper paranoia.

The first time it happened was in early March. I woke up in my usual state of disorientation and stumbled over to a Korean-Japanese fusion restaurant down the street from my apartment. I ate some noodles and sushi and left.

Three hours later I was at work holding a cup of coffee.

What happened and where I went are a mystery. I had never been to the coffee shop who's cup I now curiously sported.

The next two...episodes are directly related. I ate at a bar here, just some standard bar chicken. I went home after a fairly pleasant evening with friends. I arrived at home around three am. The next six hours featured nightmares of the apocalypse, the urge to kill and a level of self loathing that threatened to explode in to a rampage.

Not thinking anything of it I went to bed the next night. I woke up at three a.m. and ate the last of the chicken. The nightmares returned and I woke up at six in the morning and simmered in murderous rage for an hour my dog jumped on my bed. I stood up, put a leash on him and walked out into the morning.

I don't remember what happened over the next hour and a half, I remember muttering "the quickest good byes are best" before throwing the dog in random yard and another blackout before walking into work four hours later.

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